The output end of the multiplying circuit is connected with the demisting control switch through the relay or the output circuit. 乘法电路的输出端通过继电器或输出电路连接除雾控制开关。
A Design and Implement of a High-speed Multiplying Operational Circuit in FPU FPU中一种高速乘法运算电路的设计与实现
Hardware framework of the system is based on ISA buses of general PC or IPC, including 12_bit multiplying D/ A conversion, time interrupt, pulse receiving, zero check and on-off and warning circuit. 该系统硬件结构是基于普通PC机或工控机的ISA总线而开发,其功能集12位DAC转换、定时中断、脉冲接收、倍频辨向计数、零点检测及使能报警等于一体。
By using a Boost DC chopper circuit to replace the traditional topology of Buck circuit; this article solved the problems of high transformation ratio of transformers and multipolarity of voltage multiplying rectifying circuit. 本文通过利用Boost直流斩波电路替代传统拓扑中的Buck电路,解决了变压器高变比以及倍压整流电路多级化的问题。
It analyzed the important parts of voltage multiplying rectifying circuit in detail, proposed solutions for the output ripple and dropping voltage and other disadvantages, and determined the capacity of its capacitance through simulation. 对电路中重要组成部分倍压整流电路进行了详细的分析研究,针对其输出纹波和电压下降等缺点提出了解决方案,并通过仿真确定了其电容的容值。